
Jingles Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 11 days ago on Non Sequitur

    woops! too much chardonnay!

  2. 11 days ago on Non Sequitur

    the answer to the universe and everything: 10101

  3. 12 days ago on The Dinette Set

    Goodwill. give free stuff to a wealthy family to sell and make them richer. it’s not a charity, folks.

  4. 13 days ago on JumpStart

    the folks Brandon sidelined are going through this winter storm, still in tents.

  5. 16 days ago on Non Sequitur

    here i sit in norfolk, va, recalling the last time i was blessed with each category, including the 7-foot-tall lizards running WDC.

  6. 16 days ago on Shoe

    openSuSE Tumbleweed, on the Dell PC and the hp laptop.

  7. 16 days ago on Mike du Jour

    i was stationed there: it’s 2 coral pllars, with an opening a nuc sub can cruise through. also, there are 5 other pillars which have been snapped off by earthquakes. after i heard that, i was relieved when i left the place.

  8. 17 days ago on JumpStart

    tradition: they curse the team, the referees, the players, and santa claus. it’s philthadelphia after all.

  9. 17 days ago on Shoe

    DOD. defending our nation on lower class income.

  10. 17 days ago on Mike du Jour

    that’s what mozilla filters are for. there’s actually people still out there using Edge.