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  1. 7 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Panel 3 – Sam’s face appears strange / younger than usual – or at least in my view. Not the crusty old cop we know and love. Perhaps the way the face is drawn causes confusion.

  2. 7 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Hold the Batphone! Horne & Hardesty may have transitioned / rebranded from a laundromat to a self self food take-way shop. Miss Phym is practicing counter surveillance techniques by looking into the glass panel of the food cabinet.

  3. 9 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Everybody – don’t worry, the case will be solved shortly. B.O. Plenty will stubble onto the scene, while holding his chicken “Henrietta” in the Batmobile creating havoc, thus accidently solving this case. B.O. Plenty appears when you least expect it.

  4. 12 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Miss Phym may take $5,000 from petty cash. What about her female work colleague – will she be annoyed when she finds out ?- no bonus for her. Maybe she will go to Tracy / MCU direct and spill the beans on the whole operation. Hope so.

  5. 12 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I agree, I do not like fat boy either- cannot wait for the “darbies” (handcuffs) to go on. Tracy and his MCU colleagues will probably have to use two (2) sets of cuffs.

  6. 4 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Are you joking or serious ? If I “wrote” Art Dekko’s comments / lines it was unintentional and profound apologies to everyone concerned. A quick look up on Google tells me Art D.. is a Tracy villain.

  7. 4 months ago on Dick Tracy

    I do not think Boris is dumb enough to completely trust the “housekeepers” Harold & Winifred Gray. Boris is bound to have a Plan “B” for backup. Boris did not get to his position as a gang boss by taking things for granted and trusting his associates – even his own gang members.

  8. 4 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Has anyone worked out the date / timeline of this story when Daddy Warbucks was suppose to be kidnapped by Boris and his gang? FBI director Hoover, when he was appointed in 1924, requested the three (3) female agents that were employed by the “Bureau of Investigation” (as the FBI was then known) resign and they complied. Hoover made one exception, due to political pressure and changed the status of one female employee from “special employee” to “special agent”- this agent resigned at the end of 1928. After Hoover’s death in 1972 females were allowed to apply for employment as an "agent candidate ". On July 17, 1972, Joanne Pierce (Misko) and Susan Roley (Malone) were sworn in as FBI special agents and began training at Quantico.

  9. 4 months ago on Dick Tracy

    firestrike 1. You are my hero! Plus, I am jealous of your wordsmithing ability – “that grizzled old goat of a geezer” . Fantastic. Where in the world did you learn to write syntax like that? Please start giving lessons.

  10. 4 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Wonders never cease. At least Annie has finally been allowed to sit down properly on a sofa. No more Annie kneeling please.