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  1. almost 2 years ago on Daddy's Home

    Every time I engage in social discourse, I wear out my welcome. “It’s a gift…and a curse.” With that in mind, this will be my second and last post here. If too many overstay their welcome, it won’t be me. Take care. Bye.

  2. almost 2 years ago on 9 to 5

    Correction: Or “no one’s” per the Constitution.

  3. almost 2 years ago on 9 to 5

    5 things I’d like to see:

    1) Fix Gerrymandering. Make it so that ANYONE has a fair chance to win OR lose ANY district2) Get rid of Citizen v. United. Politicians should work for the people writ large. Not only or mostly those who write the big checks.3) Establish a Plunder law. Philippines has one. Doesn’t look like we do. Government for personal gain? Legally liable.4) Establish a baseline standard for “professional” political discourse. Objectivity doesn’t mean perfection. Doesn’t mean if you don’t get it right, why bother trying. It means try to get it right. And if you swing and miss, apologize, accept the consequences and keep trying. These days it’s too much say anything with absolute disregard for the consequences and, why not, there generally aren’t any. 5) A strict firewall between politics and religion. If not that, then the religious beliefs of anyone per the Constitution.

    We ALL deserve better than what currently passes for political discourse and process in America.