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  1. 3 months ago on The Born Loser

    Just saw this Dude,

    An old Friend of mine gave me one of his “Ranch Hand”lapel pins.

    You and All the rest of the Vets that are on here will Always be in my Prayers.

    As that Old friend told me,

    “It sucks being a “Ranch Hand”

    To All VN Vets,

    Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters.

    V V F F V V

  2. 4 months ago on Andy Capp

    Now that made me laugh HARD

  3. 4 months ago on Andy Capp


    To take a strip about a drunk Englishman and turn it into a political rant is a sure sign of a troll.

    If that’s all you have to do then you need to get a life.

    Be like Andy, take up drinking and stop being a DRAMA QUEEN.

  4. 5 months ago on Speed Bump


    That’s remarkable that the two of us are both drivers and Veterans.

    I had planned on retiring in 3 years but if my health is still good I may continue until I’m 75.

    Take care and Thanks Friend.

  5. 5 months ago on Speed Bump

    Here you go with some facts.

    Fact, I have lived in the states my whole life and have never seen anything like what you found on the “Internet.”

    Fact, I have been a truck driver for the past 45 years with most of those years being over the road.

    I’ve been from coast to coast and border to Gulf.

    Been in large and smaller cities and towns.

    Still never saw anything like the pictures you have found on the “Internet.”

    Fact, I doubt that you have been to the states. But if you have I ask you,

    Did you see anything like what you saw in the pictures that are on the “Internet.”

    Fact, I live in a state that has A LOT of gun owners and have been all over this state and never saw anything like what those pictures show.

    Again, off the “Internet.”

    Are you starting to see a pattern here.

    Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet.

    Side note:

    You and I have had some friendly comments in the past and I hope we can continue to have them.

    We have had a discussion here about an issue that we have very different opinions about.

    So if you will,

    Let us agree to disagree and put this behind us.

    May the Lord Bless You on all you do.

  6. 5 months ago on Speed Bump

    A few points,

    No where did I say that I would kill someone.

    I said that,

    “I would make sure that the criminal would be there when law enforcement showed up”

    You on the other hand came up with shooting them.

    I googled American Citizens carrying guns in public.

    You either don’t want to see everything or you just look for what you want to see.

    That shows that you are a close minded person who will believe only what fits your limited mindset.

    Dig deeper if you will and see both sides of the issue not just your side.

  7. 5 months ago on Speed Bump
    & #3I didn’t miss your point.

    I see your point, but you refuse to see mine.

    You told your government take away our guns.

    We didn’t. We still have ours and will continue to keep them.

    1,453 school shootings since 1997. (18 years)

    That is a lot and I hate to see the sickness perpetrated by these mentally challenged individuals that was able to lay hands on someone’s weapon that should have known better than to leave it laying around unsecured.

    As I said, the laws we have now need to be enforced.

    The 15 year old in Michigan that killed 4 students and injured several others is now serving life in prison and his parents are both serving 10-15 years.

    All because of their lack of being responsible parents and gun owners.

    I applaud the legal system for the decision to hold parents responsible for the actions of their children in matters such as this.

    I don’t condone violence if any kind.

    But I’m not going to stand by and wait for law enforcement that are more than 5 minutes away to let some criminal get away with their crime.

    I as well as others can make sure that the criminal will still be there when law enforcement arrives.

    I don’t live in fear. Never have.

    Just because I choose to own a firearm does not mean I am fearful.

    It means that I can.

    I don’t carry a firearm all the time.

    Only when I want to.

    #5 #6,

    As I stated,

    What event were these people at?

    Could have been a gun show, a shooting match, or a number of other events going on.


    A criminal is NOT going to put themselves in a situation where they will be hurt.

    They want to be the ones causing fear and pain.

    If they thought that you could possibly have a weapon and willing to use it they WILL find a weaker victim.




    You still believe how you want to believe about ownership, and I believe how I do about ownership.

    We both stand firm in our beliefs.

    Therefore we are at an impasse.

  8. 5 months ago on Speed Bump

    You want to know the reason why we have firearms and you don’t.

    Because we can.

    That’s called “FREEDOM”

    You and the others will never understand the Freedom of being able to own a firearm freely because your government took that away from you.


    Your also under the impression that all these school shootings is being committed by people openly carrying guns.

    That and

    Oh, don’t make them mad they have a gun so he will shoot you.

    You could not be further from the truth.

    The crimes are not being committed by law abiding citizens.

    They are being committed by the criminals.

    You have not shown me any pictures of people walking around with firearms.

    Send me a link.

    Were they at an event such as a gun show?

    There are a number of things that could be going on at that point and time for them to be walking around like that.

    If we as Americans were to walk around with firearms all the time then there wouldn’t be the crime rate as there is now.

    The criminal would think twice before committing that crime.

    They are the ones that are using fear.

    You have been raised your whole life to fear firearms and anyone that has a firearm.

    Have you ever held or fired one?

    I take it, No.

    All you know is what the anti-gun establishment wants you to know.

    I own firearms for hunting.

    I can put fresh meat on my table and in my freezer.

    I don’t have to buy processed meat from the store that has had all kinds of preservatives add to it.

    I carry when I want to. Not because I have to.

    As I’ve said,

    You will never understand the American way, because of the way you were made to believe.

  9. 5 months ago on Speed Bump

    You said the magic word “Photo”

    I can walk around with a camera and take pictures of people and put guns on them with a computer.

    That doesn’t make it real.

    I’m not saying that there isn’t many of us that do open and conceal carry without permits.

    It wasn’t long ago that the laws changed from having to have, to not having a permit.

    But the way I perceived your comment was that you were under the impression that all citizens were walking around like in the old west.

    That’s not true.

    There are strenuous background checks to get a permit or to be allowed to carry without a permit.

    I was raised around firearms my whole life and I also served in the Military.

    I feel that if a person wants to carry a firearm then they need to take the necessary training that I had to go through.

    We don’t need anymore gun control laws, when the ones we have now needs to be enforced.

    All these “New” gun control laws are doing is hurting the law abiding citizens.

    The criminal’s will get a firearm by any means necessary.Weather you take them out of the people’s hands or not.

    The 2nd amendment of the U.S. Constitution States,

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". It was ratified on December 15, 1791, along with nine other articles of the Bill of Rights.

    If your country men let your government take your right to keep firearms.


    As for me, I’ll keep my rights to own firearms and will stand firm to protect mine and and every other American’s right to properly own firearms.

    I will also stand firm to put the criminals that use a firearm in the act of commiting violent crimes behind bars for the rest of their story life.

  10. 5 months ago on Speed Bump

    Excuse me a minute here,

    Show me where the American Citizens are carrying firearms on the street.

    Only citizens that are allowed by law to open or concealed carry must have a permit.

    The only ones that are shooting up the schools and causing outright panic are the ones that have NEVER been properly trained in firearm safety and criminals.

    So your statement is false because all you are doing is repeating what the media wants you to believe.

    I have prior military service and was raised around firearms my whole life.

    Look what our government did to the Native Americans.

    Took their guns, put them on reservations and told them they would take care of them.

    Yeah, RIGHT!