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  1. 3 months ago on Gasoline Alley

    I agree, but for now I feel it is being shoved down Americans throats.

    EV this and EV that come on.

    Our power grid isn’t capable enough to handle all the charging stations that needs to be in place.

    The size of the solar farms to handle all the charging stations is massive per state and that hasn’t happened yet.

    Keep fuel and oil affordable for the American people that can’t (or won’t) buy an EV.

    Stop forcing things on us old timers.

    Shoot, we’ll be gone in 10 to 15 years if that long.

    By the way,I haven’t said it to you but

    God Bless You.

  2. 3 months ago on Gasoline Alley

    Solar is good, not saying it isn’t.

    To an extent,Depending on where you live.

    Where I live we have hurricanes.

    I’ve seen what damage can be done to the panels from the force of the winds when Rita, Laura and Delta came through.

    Even though those people had power longer than we did, they still went without power after a couple of days.

    They still had the expense of replacing the panels even though they had insurance.

    I know several people who are still waiting to get their homes fixed from the last two hurricanes.

    But solar is good.

    As long as you, don’t loose a panel, have to replace batteries, something burns out.

    What I’m saying is,

    The expanse of fuel burners, or solar is costly no matter which way you go.

    My farm isn’t much,

    But I feed not only my family, but members of my church, and about 10 or 15 other families in our rural area.

    I’m not in it for money.

    I do it because God gave it to my wife and I.

    We put out for the seed and fertilizer, labor. It doesn’t matter to us.

    If you something out of my garden, ask I’ll give it to you.

    So I’ll stick to my fuel burners and be happy.

    There’s 80 acres of corn growing right now.

    It should be ready by August.

  3. 3 months ago on Gasoline Alley

    And if all the farmers decided enough is enough, then what?

    We would all starve.

    Just because they were being forced to spend more money on equipment that they don’t need, all because someone that doesn’t have a clue about what the farmers go through every year.

    Don’t even give me your sob story about it’s better for the environment.

    Let the farmers do what they can do with what they have.

    If you think you can do better then you get out there and do it.

    It’s hard work trying to feed your family.

    The farmers are trying to feed the NATION.

    I know, I also farm.

    Just on a smaller scale than what LoisG is doing.

  4. 4 months ago on That is Priceless

    And what does your political rant have to do with this strip?

    There are other strips that have a political theme.

    Please keep them there.

  5. 5 months ago on The Middletons

    That made me laugh

  6. 5 months ago on Geech

    Can’t see it

  7. 8 months ago on That is Priceless

    By the size of her eyes,

    She did surmise,

    That was a weird place to put a power outlet.

  8. 8 months ago on Strange Brew

    Zip, Zap, and my face was ripped to shreds

  9. 8 months ago on Speed Bump

    I’m still trying to figure out how I made it to 65?

    If I would have known I would still be around at this age, I would have taken better care of myself.

  10. 9 months ago on Wizard of Id

    I laughed so hard at that,

    It scared my donkeys and my horse.

    Finally got em back in the barn.