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How’s this for a first for you, Kip? Stephoney shows up telling you she just found out that she’s pregnant.
Ain’t necessarily so. I’ve been down south for over 40 years and still have enough of a Chicago accent to still be crammed a d*mned yankee
The zebra is a boy zebra
So…will bets walk up to Steph and thank her a give her a hug? Or will she go up to her, thank her, give her a hug, and then slap her? Knowing G&K, my money’s on the first scenario, too bad.
Welcome back! You have been missed!
Gunther, shoes on the table are considered bad luck! But then again…
Kip will play both ends against the middle. Sex with Staph(infection) and “intellectual” flirting with Tiff. What a d*ck.
Aw, I thought it was a cute Sunday strip.
Kipster said he didn’t love staph(infection) the way she loved him. Pretty obvious here.
Wonder if the dorm girls know about Bets not coming back? Will Steph fight for the single room??
How’s this for a first for you, Kip? Stephoney shows up telling you she just found out that she’s pregnant.