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  1. 8 days ago on Crankshaft

    Now we’re holding our breaths each month hoping the checks drop.

  2. 8 days ago on Doonesbury

    And reporters aren’t always safe from “friendly” fire. like the Al-Jezeera reporter killed by the IDF, even though she was wearing a “REPORTER” vest. I guess they didn’t want reports of what they were doing.

  3. 14 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    Is this how old comics characters “die”? No coffin, no funeral, no grave-side service? Walt would be missed. And what happens to Gertie? Does she go to work for Skeezix? Does Skeezix become the center of the strip? Does the obnoxious next-generation of kids (and their talking bear!) take over? Guess we’ll see.

  4. 16 days ago on Doonesbury

    Hamilton was right. An elected parliamentary system is best.

  5. 16 days ago on Doonesbury

    Ricky ran on a platform including term limits for Congress. Of course Congress already passed a bill doing just that in the 90’s that got thrown out by the Supreme Court, which ruled that such a change needed to be done by Constitutional amendment. All his talk is just a smoke enema.

  6. 16 days ago on Doonesbury


  7. 16 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    As my handle might suggest, I’m an actor. Among other things I perform a solo play as Thomas Jefferson. Of course I tell the story of the Declaration, but I also do a long section on his repeated failures to end slavery, starting with his first term in the House of Burgesses. He was finally able to stop (at least on paper) the importation of slaves in 1808 when he was president.

  8. 16 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    True, his “Notes on the State of Virginia” has a long passage about the inferiority of Black people. He wrote that in his early 40’s. His opinions changed as he got older (I suspect Ms. Hemings and their off-spring had something to do with that), but he was too broke to do anything about it. At his death almost all his slaves were sold to pay his debts.

  9. 21 days ago on Doonesbury

    His name IS B.D.

  10. 21 days ago on Crankshaft

    That’s a Crankshaft classic! Stealing it.