Sunset shimmer

BigNateFanForever1 Free

A long term Big Nate fan (2010 to present) who is hoping the strip gets better. Reviewer!

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Big Nate

    Decent joke, though I wish Peirce had kept Nate sympathetic. By doing this now, he’s painting him as unreasonable for not eating quickly enough. I mean, come on.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Big Nate


  3. about 17 hours ago on Big Nate

    Not trying to argue, I’m just a little confused by your wording. What do you mean?

  4. 1 day ago on Big Nate

    Maybe the arc still gets continued, but if it doesn’t, I am kind of speechless. 4 whole weeks just to show Gina going to counselling?

  5. 1 day ago on Big Nate


  6. 2 days ago on Big Nate

    Oh, and Dr. Cesspool with 1 (150 to 151), sending Mrs. Czerwicki back to 22

  7. 2 days ago on Big Nate


  8. 2 days ago on Big Nate

    Eh, stock joke. 5\10.

    Appearance tracking:

    Francis for once is the character with the most Appearances, getting 6 (4,280 to 4,286).

    Gina got 5 appearances (544 to 549), which lifted her above Mr. Rosa into 8th place of the alltime rankings.

    Nate only had 4 appearances, going up from 11,501 to 11,505.

    Finally, Principal Nichols (270 to 271) and Mr. Galvin (164 to 165) both only had 1 appearance.

    Overall for the year:

    1st: Nate: 67

    2nd: Francis: 33

    3rd: Teddy: 20

    4th: Gina: 17

    5th: Daphne: 7

    6th: Uncle Ted: 6

    6th: Peter: 6

    6th: Czerwicki: 6

    9th: Artur: 5

    9th: Marty: 5

    9th: Nichols: 5

    9th: Mr. Galvin: 5

    13th: Miranda: 4

    13th: Marge\Gram: 4

    13th: Godfrey: 4

    13th: Chad: 4

    17th: Kim: 3

    18th: School Picture Guy: 2

    18th: Spitsy: 2

    18th: Dee Dee: 2

    21st: Drawing of Gramps: 1

    21st: Wayne: 1

    21st: Pickles: 1

    21st: Biff: 1

    21st: Dan Cupid: 1

    21st: Gina’s dad: 1

    21st: Jenny: 1

    21st: Ellen: 1

  9. 2 days ago on Big Nate

    Yeah, I don’t get this trend

  10. 3 days ago on Big Nate

    That wasn’t worth the wait, but I assume this continues next week. Just hope it actually goes somewhere, because it’s been about 4 weeks and not much has actually happened.

    Oh, also, 5\10 for this week’s arc. Not bad, but not great either.