Nate had 7 as always, bringing him up from 11,452 to 11,459.
Uncle Ted has a customary 6 for the year most likely, and he rose quite a bit. He went up from to 70 to 76, ranking at 35th now above Angie, Nurse Maureen Biology and any time there’s a drawing of Mrs. Godfrey without her actual character appearing.
Gram had 3 appearances, going up from 117 to 120.
Finally, Teddy (who’s appearing a lot more than Francis so far) and Mr. Galvin (with a surprisingly high number of early appearances so far) each add 1 to their tallies. Teddy: 3,014 to 3,015. Mr. Galvin: 163 to 164.
Late to this, but decent progression so far, plus great exaggeration! A broken ankle and the inevitable swift joke XD