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lwetzel Premium

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  1. about 5 years ago on Ask a Portly Syndicate Person

    I’ll never forget that inaugural tournament. It was one of the most glorious days of my life. We had a crowd of colleagues cheering for us and we won free Royals tickets. I really wanted those tickets and had to figure out how to win the ping-pong games while not looking like I was being ruthless or trying too hard. (unfortunately the game the tickets were for wound up experiencing a 3-hour rain delay, but no complaints. Volquez was throwing fire that night). The follow-up tourney happened while I was in Ecuador. I almost canceled the trip but the Hacienda I’d booked did not take refunds, only credit for free llama rides for the kids, which sounded unsafe. The following year, the tourney was a blind-draw where you got paired with someone randomly. And the year after that I got overly drunk on expired Shiner Bock and was disqualified before I was even able to lift a paddle. In short, we never really got a chance to defend our title. And for that I think the universe owes us both a generous slab of grief bacon. Who knows, maybe the planets will align again and we’ll get one last crack at glory and the Blazing Paddles can compete for the gold cup once again. In the great game of doubles ping-pong, one can hope and another can dream, but only two can win.

  2. about 8 years ago on Welcome to the New GoComics

    Been looking forward to this, and while changes this big to a favorite website are always jarring, I can already see a lot to like. The larger size of the comics on my daily feed, the modular design, newer-looking fonts, recommendations, etc. The A-to-Z listing, with the thumbnails and descriptions, might be the biggest improvement. Overall it feels like the whole thing just went from standard to HD. Nice work!

  3. about 9 years ago on The Quixote Syndrome

    One of my favorite ever strips on GoComics

  4. over 13 years ago on Lio

    Thanks for your patience, all. Was indeed a loading error on our part. Though there were a few other theories about its absence as well… http://blogs.gocomics.com/2011/07/mysteriously-missing-lio-717-sunday-finally-surfaces.html#comments – Lucas Wetzel, Universal Uclick

  5. over 15 years ago on Frog Applause

    hey Teresa I wanted to ask you a question but don’t have your email now that my amu account is no more…can you write my secretary mossby pomegranate at mossby at gmail? many thanks

  6. almost 16 years ago on Bad Reporter

    you’re correct, liliann, this is the Bad Reporter for release 5/20. They were just slow in putting it up. New BRs run every Wednesday and Friday, so the next one will be up tomorrow, 5/22.

  7. almost 16 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    it’s a play on this ad campaign http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-us&vid=aec9c00f-a642-459a-9140-4b63f831f251

  8. about 16 years ago on Maintaining

    good question, ed….stay tuned until tomorrow and that will get cleared up

  9. about 16 years ago on Frog Applause

    I’m guessing you saw this about the lady sending out party invitations while she was “asleep”…


  10. about 16 years ago on Frog Applause

    “spirited following”

    unoriginal, i know. also no livestock implications were intended.

    some (rejected) alternatives:

    plural commenters slew of whimsical appreciators crazy people

    and yes, pepe today IS especially crazy today. he’s literally lighting his smoke from lightning. moco is brilliant. frog applause is pretty great too. thanks for letting us post some strips and link to the interviews.