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BJDucer Free

Happily retired, financially secure, physically and mentally healthy. Life is good :0)

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Recent Comments

  1. about 12 hours ago on Overboard

    Ice is pretty thick here in Ashtabula, too :0)

  2. about 14 hours ago on Overboard

    I don’t think my first pick to go shimmy on thin ice would have been Nate….

  3. about 14 hours ago on Overboard

    I did see bathing suits for sale at Walmart yesterday, the warm weather can’t be far away!

  4. about 14 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    If that really works for Cliff, I would have bought a couple of dozen of them and put them on the floor all around my desk when I was working!

  5. about 14 hours ago on Luann

    An A+ for Mrs. Horner’s efforts to get the two youngsters to talk. She did everything she could but reach out and move their lips to get them to start a conversation.

  6. about 14 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    I’m just glad I don’t sneeze when someone shows me a picture of a cat.

  7. 1 day ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Was the first bratty kid in the comics Dennis the Menace?

  8. 1 day ago on Overboard

    I’m betting Nate could hold them off with snowballs!

  9. 1 day ago on Frazz

    I’m not sure if I’ve heard Mrs. Olsen give Caufield a compliment before. I’m thinking she doesn’t want to swell his ego to an unbearable level.

  10. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    Two repetitive themes have occurred with undefined regularity when I have dreams:

    Work. I’ve been retired for over 2 years now and I still dream about work. The only good part about this is when I wake up and realize that I don’t have to continue the project/hassle/meeting that I was working on in my dream. That gives me a great deal of satisfaction.

    Secondly…school. I cannot tell you how many dreams I’ve had where I need one more semester, or one more class to pass to get my degree and I’ve forgotten to read a book, or write a paper, or I was unaware of a class I was suppose to attend…etc. You would think these would stop after having received my degree 40 years ago….but Nooooooo!