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Ceggie‏ Free

Hello! I check once a day, so don't get offended if it takes me a while to respond. My fav comic is "Thatababy", second is "Foxtrot", and third is "Garfield." Gaturro is nice, but takes me a while to read.

Recent Comments

  1. about 11 hours ago on Thatababy

    he died?

  2. 9 days ago on Thatababy

    OH! It was a coloring issue, the arm belongs to thatamom

  3. 9 days ago on Thatababy

    whoah! Thatababy looks huge in the last pannel. It’s the way his arm is, it makes him look like a funny adult.

  4. 9 days ago on Thatababy

    ha! I love thatababy’s last comment, how they should of used that thing. If I am not mistaken that is a optical illusion shape.

  5. 9 days ago on Thatababy

    Since it started? I guess hes green now.

  6. 9 days ago on Thatababy

    Ive also been doing it wrong, eating the bone and planting the meat

  7. 15 days ago on FoxTrot

    The most funniest part is when paige says all of these, not just one, so he ate multiple dozen donuts. How? I get full after 1.

  8. 18 days ago on Thatababy

    I think the actor for Marty McFly was the one with the parkinson’s disease, correct?

  9. 27 days ago on Thatababy

    Hmm… Not the best strategy for Tetris there, Thatababy.

  10. 29 days ago on Thatababy

    smacks head They live in Nebraska, silly.