Live in NE WI near Green Bay. Have 2 rescued cats, female 5 yo Zippy, & King, now 9 yo male.
My youngest daughter has one!
In long marriages, things change.
I saw that too, and was waiting to see if anyone else spotted that.
Oh MY! I’m the same way!! (fist bump) ;)
It’s adorable!
There are other brands of Rice Krispies that appear in bags, other than Kellogg’s.
Jimmy Kimmel always has the day after Halloween, parents turn in video of telling their kid(s) that they ate all their candy, and the fallout from the kids! Always hilarious!
So did my husband’s son’s funeral.
Depending on the size, you many want to rethink the amount of time to get it thawed so the inside is also thawed. lol
“You’re smaaarter than the average bear!”
My youngest daughter has one!