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  1. 18 minutes ago on Luann

    I wasn’t familiar with the brand, but I just looked them up, and have seen some similar sets – they seem to be taking it to the next level though. Nice! Very nice! Have you tried building booknooks?

  2. 1 day ago on Luann

    Why, are you comparing this with her skills as an adult psychologist? lol

  3. 1 day ago on Luann

    They don’t have the same kind of reaction, that’s for sure. Luann is directly being addressed, and her reaction is at most “Oh really? That’s very nice!” Whereas Bernice is NOT being addressed, but still jumping in (figuratively and almost literally), with a reaction that is more “OMG, did he talk about me? What did he say about me?” (the way she’s repeating her name to make SURE she doesn’t accidentally miss any info is also a bit much).I’d say that Luann likes Piro, but not necessarily likes-likes Piro. She wants to help him, but in her general way of wanting to help whenever she sees a need, without necessarily thinking hard about it. Whereas Bernice, she does have that “need-to-fix” she was talking about. A bad case of it – even Piro told her that.

  4. 1 day ago on Luann

    Drop that face Bernice – watching a stupid movie is the lightest you can get away with, especially after Luann has done (and is still doing) all the heavy lifting!

  5. 1 day ago on Luann

    Only she didn’t really. They are watching a movie – meanwhile Luann has do tutoring. So she still got off very lightly and Luann got most of it (though yeah, she didn’t succeed at completely removing herself).

  6. 1 day ago on Luann

    You enjoy them?

  7. 3 days ago on Luann

    Huh, that’s actually a pretty poem, kind of an optimistic view at life. I like it!

    And btw I got a little adult lego tree (well, different brand) for Christmas – it’s over a thousand tiny – REALLY tiny – pieces and has an entire book of instructions. Excites me and scares me at the same time. And I’m more than twice Luann’s age.

  8. 8 days ago on Luann

    “Laugh at Bernice and walk out the door”? In what universe? First of all, Luann is a bit of a doormat. Second, she loves kids and isn’t scared of them. Third, she’s generally moved easily and ready to help others, and thinking carefully before rushing in a situation is not exactly her strong suit. Fourth, these are Piro’s siblings (not that she is aware of it yet). The real questions are how well-behaved will those kids be, will she able to handle them, will Bernice be any help at all? And also, what will Frank and Nancy find upon their arrival at home, and who is going to get any blame for it? Or, for that matter, who is going to get any credit for it? (Depending on what the end result of this baby-sitting is going to be it could be either or both).

    Does Bernice have the right to let all those kids in? Of course not! She will probably pull the “it was an emergency-I couldn’t say no, there was nobody else to help-I was put on the spot and couldn’t react” lines. Which are all correct up to a point, but still could get frowned upon. There could be other options, like taking the kids to the park for example, IF she was actually able to handle them (not blaming her for this one, she’s a teen and has not experience with kids). But she is not, hence she calls Luann. But this is what tops the whole thing, because she essentially accepted all of these kids for LUANN to babysit – and Piro has already left.

    As for Alan, he’s big, and Piro is kind of short anyway…

  9. 29 days ago on Luann

    I think the 1-hour free work certificates were an incentive/reward for donating blood, not for Christmas, but I guess we’ll see.

  10. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Ah, I did miss that one! But anyway, a blood drive at an events center (like the Fuse supposedly is) would be nice. A normal one, I mean, without the circus! lol (And seeing as blood drives are usually done in the morning, whereas drinking happens at night, I don’t see a conflict – it is NOT a blood drive at a bar).