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Recent Comments

  1. about 7 hours ago on Crabgrass

    I always forget about the baby.

  2. about 7 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    We use captions on British accents and especially Australian ones.

  3. 4 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    I’m with you on “giving” vs “gifting”. To me “gifting” is irritating.

  4. 5 days ago on Buckles

    We bought one with branches that fold down. Our son is allergic to the mold on real trees so we went with this one and, given the price of real trees, it’s paid for itself many times over.

  5. 6 days ago on Ordinary Bill

    Two times. This time and 2 others.

  6. 10 days ago on Ollie and Quentin

    Every time I read this strip I’m sorry it didn’t catch on.

  7. 10 days ago on Non Sequitur

    We don’t move because it’s our country too. What goes around comes around for better or worse.

  8. 10 days ago on Andertoons

    I took this to mean that a child impersonating his parents called to say they wouldn’t be there but just said he was “Michael’s Parents”.

  9. 18 days ago on Non Sequitur


  10. 23 days ago on Monty

    I had a coworker who got into a Black Friday ruckus bad enough to make the news. This was back when BF was a bigger deal.