I must have too much time on my hands for I read through all of these comments, and it proved to me once and for all that old saying about peoples opinions and their szamár lyukak, everyone has one…
So, you are the qualified censor, is that it?Why do you feel compelled to exert power to change someone else’s freedom of expression to you own liking?Whatever happened to accepting artwork for its face value?You may provide your own work on these pages if you feel the need to do so. You have that right.You also have the right to express your opinion as you have done so.You also have the right to disagree with me, and also have the right to move on to something else, no one is holding you here against your will. Moving on myself…
The forest must be blocking the view of the trees again, IT’S BECAUSE IT’S FUN BLOWING S@#* UP FOR THE SAKE OF BLOWING S@#* UP!