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Recent Comments

  1. about 22 hours ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    He forgot to mention how noisy it is!

  2. about 22 hours ago on Henry Payne

    Convicted felon, liar, guilty of sexual assault (aka rape), guilty of $300-odd million fraud, stole and retained classified security documents in places accessible to foreign agents, has no respect for the military and calls anyone who died in service for the USA a loser, has no understanding of women’s health care and seems to think doctors pull live babies out of a women on a regular basis, will not accept election results unless he “wins”, thinks the Supreme Court owes him loyalty as do the military, the justice system – actually anything in the USA. Loves dictators …The list goes on so it is pretty clear why a raving unstable psychopath should not even be on the ballot let alone responsible for the safety and security of the USA.

  3. about 22 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    Even the seagull is leaving the scene of the potential event!

  4. about 23 hours ago on Clay Jones

    You go Pizza Rat!!

  5. 2 days ago on Red and Rover

    Nooooo – back to the bees – how did Red end up there????

  6. 2 days ago on Clay Jones

    How is it that the convicted felon’s cult followers think he “gets them” when he sits on a gold colored commode? What does he know about the farmers in North Dakota? What does he know about the people in Wyoming? All he cares about is how much money he can get. And power – forgot that one :/

  7. 2 days ago on Dogs of C-Kennel

    It is best not to watch or even hear anything the orange convicted felon, perpetrator of sexual assault, fraudster and thief of classified documents says because it is so depressing to think we have become a nation subject to this insulting behavior. Yes….I fell like I am experiencing panels 2 and 3 on a daily basis.

  8. 2 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    Listening to the orange convicted felon, also guilty of sexual assault (aka rape) guilty of fraud, liar, etc…. talk about January 6 events made it very clear to me he has a serious disconnect from reality.

  9. 2 days ago on Steve Breen

    Convicted felon, liar, guilty of sexual assault (aka rape), guilty of $300-odd million fraud, stole and retained classified security documents in places accessible to foreign agents, has no respect for the military and calls anyone who died in service for the USA a loser, has no understanding of women’s health care and seems to think doctors pull live babies out of a women on a regular basis, thinks he is all-powerful based on Article 2 of the constitution, does not think it is necessary to take the oath of office or loyalty to the USA, will not accept election results unless he “wins”, thinks the Supreme Court owes him loyalty as do the military, the justice system – actually anything in the USA. Loves dictators – blood bear Pootun, N Korean fat boy, Chinese Poo honey bear…The list goes on so it is pretty clear why a raving unstable psychopath should not even be on the ballot. President Biden is the only choice and option.

  10. 2 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    Even the seagull is leaving! Ouch!