Why doesn’t Bernice move back to the Dorms and Switch with Tiff. Bernice would love to study Room-mate interactions and Tiff could live somewhere else. Assuming, of course, Tiff and Luann are friends now.
Actually, I miss Luan. Funny, how the strip is named after her. :)
Yeah, I was in the Units too. They’re all gone now, though at the time they seemed fine. Everyone called them Dorms until after the food fight when a push was made to call them Res Halls.
Why doesn’t Bernice move back to the Dorms and Switch with Tiff. Bernice would love to study Room-mate interactions and Tiff could live somewhere else. Assuming, of course, Tiff and Luann are friends now.
Actually, I miss Luan. Funny, how the strip is named after her. :)