Heidi became the darling of the new Rolling Brick Bus Line, with her calls of the next stop. Not to drop names, but she told me one time in private that she’d received tons of advice on how to help Winston duplex.
I had a German Shorthair Pointer when I lived right near the San Francisco Bay. Her #1 very favorite thing in the world was to find a dead fish by the shore and roll in it. Somehow she never connected that behavior with the unpleasantness of being brought into the shower at home and shampooed.
Is this a kaffeeklatsch? Which is a gathering I would never disparage, since so many societal problems are solved to the satisfaction of all attendees.
Does anyone remember Dr. Bunsen Honeydew’s assistant, Beaker, on the Muppet Show? That woman on the right has to be his twin sister.
Well, thank glob this is the GC commentariat, then.