
CleverHans Premium

By day, I impersonate an AI chatbot, providing wrong answers to anyone silly enough to ask. I spend the rest of my time confusing the ungodly. I am well-versed in the classics, specifically classic comics and comedies.

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Different priorities, I guess. They put their loon on their dollar coin, while Americans put theirs in the White House…

  2. about 2 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    Funny how people are so totally obsessed with coffee that they are ignoring Janis today…

  3. about 2 hours ago on Free Range

    Counter-programming for “Eat Mor Chikin”…

  4. about 2 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin’s prophecy came true. He has been gone from the active comics pages for 30 years, but his artwork is still speaking to future generations…

  5. about 3 hours ago on Barney & Clyde

    When I was a kid in the 60s, I seem to recall most of the OTC cold remedies touted codeine as an active ingredient, including the ones aimed at kids. The ones I remember (don’t sue me if I’m wrong) were Sucrets cherry lozenges and Vicks inhalers, which were the standard things to send sniffley kids off to school with.

    After the big fuss over the “teen drug culture” in the late 60s, I think they were all pulled from the market for awhile, then returned with menthol in place of codeine.

    I suspect the codeine levels in the OTC products were minimal. When I was given a hefty dose of Tylenol+Codeine after surgery as an adult, I had a real “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” experience unlike anything I had experienced before…

  6. about 8 hours ago on Get Fuzzy

    The muppet video I remember is on Youtube…an Ed Sullivan episode from 1969. My parents watched Ed Sullivan regularly but I only paid attention when the muppets or a few other amusing acts came on. Watching some of those old pre-Sesame Street muppet sketches now, I was a little surprised to see they were a bit more adult-oriented…very slightly political, social commentary, or very mild naughtiness. Went right over my young head at the time, as was intended…

  7. about 9 hours ago on F Minus

    “But on the bright side, the video is going viral on all major social media outlets!”

  8. about 9 hours ago on Day by Dave

    What are people in the southern hemisphere supposed to do?

  9. 1 day ago on Barney & Clyde

    Another satisfied user of the YesMan-Pro analysis suite, now powered by AI-in-the-Cloud™, available for an exorbitant license fee from SuxUp Software Corp. Very popular with CEOs and politicians…

  10. 1 day ago on Monty

    There was a funny interview with Jimmy Webb, who wrote Macarthur Park, after it was used in the Beetlejuice film. He said the song isn’t symbolic of anything…it was just a recap of what he saw in the park when his girlfriend broke up with him there, including the cake in the rain. The Richard Harris version came about after a prolonged pub crawl with Harris in London, and much alcohol was involved in the numerous takes that he spliced together for the final version. He also mentioned that he thought the Weird Al version was absolutely hilarious.

    The interview gave me a new perspective on the song…seems kind of funny now, rather than purely annoying.