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DKHenderson Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Frazz

    Make friends with an opossum. They love to eat ticks.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Baby Blues

    Just what I was thinking.

  3. about 4 hours ago on Shoe

    We haven’t seen Biz in a while. Did he run out of aging puns? Bring back Biz!

  4. about 4 hours ago on Shoe

    You’re right! You should be able to see at least the bottom edges of the rail.

  5. about 4 hours ago on Cleats

    Just because you can handle it, why would you want to?

  6. about 4 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    I want to see the squirrel at the bank.

  7. about 23 hours ago on JumpStart

    He should bring Yolanda along, too. A lot of people never seem to find the time to check out the treasures to be found in their home state.

  8. about 23 hours ago on JumpStart

    Yolanda. Carla is his sister-in-law. (But I wouldn’t put it past her to have some say in the matter, anyhow!)

  9. about 23 hours ago on Frazz

    You can always trek back into the archives when you have time. It’s fun seeing how he used to draw the characters, and some of the strips are truly fine.

  10. about 23 hours ago on Frazz

    Rex Stout’s character, Nero Wolfe, once commented that a pessimist always gets pleasant surprises, an optimist only unpleasant ones.