Musashi 1942  2

ijnfleetadmiral1984 Free

Former professional cat herder and officer wrangler. Writer of fanfiction. Self-styled Imperial Japanese Naval historian. Titanic buff. Student of the Way of Dess.

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 months ago on FoxTrot

    There’s also a Popeye brand of canned spinach. It’s the only brand we buy and it’s very good. It better be good spinach to carry the name Popeye.

  2. 3 months ago on FoxTrot

    So that means Jason will never become that Sheldon Cooper-esque supervillain he has the potential to be.

  3. 5 months ago on FoxTrot

    Why do I sense Jason and Dr. Sheldon Cooper would be good friends?

  4. 5 months ago on FoxTrot

    Anyone else catch the headline Amend snuck in in the second panel?

  5. 6 months ago on FoxTrot

    My Freshman Chem lab had microscopes…until a couple Darwin Award winners decided it would be cool to play catch with one. No, I’m not kidding here. Yes, one of them missed catching it. Yes, the teacher (rightfully so) had a meltdown in class. No, we never used microscopes again.

  6. 6 months ago on FoxTrot

    I remember eating at Shipley Donuts as a kid…wish there was a location close to me!

  7. 6 months ago on FoxTrot

    1) Schools still use slideshows?

    Also, history was one of the few subjects that kept my attention in school. Science was either-or. English? I know how to speak it, I’m good…case closed. Loved history, but the last good teacher I had was in 8th grade, sadly. Math hadn’t held my attention since 8th grade. (Algebra is the language of Satan and should be outlawed.) And I didn’t take P.E. in high school…I took Army JROTC and excelled in it. It was the only class I made straight ’A’s in all four years of high school.

  8. 9 months ago on FoxTrot

    Thankfully I never had siblings to pull tricks on me. And my family didn’t have a garden when I was growing up, either…not feasible with the clay-like soil we had. Plus the super-hot temperatures in the summer (Houston, TX) would’ve killed anything we planted.

  9. 10 months ago on FoxTrot

    Given what college diplomas are apparently worth nowadays (less than nothing), their ‘plan’ is a viable alternative.

  10. 12 months ago on FoxTrot

    Hey, at least it’s a passing grade. Science was not my strong suit in high school. I didn’t do as bad in Science as I did in Math (screw you, Algebra!), but I managed to scrape by.