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Takes ONE to know One, eh? What bridge are you living under?
UNless the hooll was ayttached tosome part of Calvin…. wanna guess what it could be?
Both terms really apply to you.
Mary, Marry, Merry, eh?
Try READING – the definitionn of Fascist you numbskull. That’s what the Repubs are. The definition fits that they think and do.
. . . .roasting in an Air Fryer . . .
Explain (which I doubt you can) EXACTLY how he ‘demonized’ half the country? Hmmm By telling the truth about the lies that the T man etal are spreading. Yeah right. THAT’S demonizing. Yep.
Kids need to be TAUGHT good BEHAVIOUR. Period.
Nope. He got it right the first time. Trump is a GREAT Neo-Fascist dictator.
Hmmmm. I thought immediately of FOX’s Sean. The “H” man.
Takes ONE to know One, eh? What bridge are you living under?