Large francis

GigaBytez(Formerly F. Butthurst) Free

I like Big Nate and Calvin and Hobbes. I hope Daphne and Nate stay together!! (And I have no reson to like Sally Forth. Change my mind)

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 hours ago on Big Nate

    Wait for your shift, man! Be professional!

  2. 4 days ago on Heart of the City

    seems a bit sloppy to me. I can see imperfections and it used to be ok when Steenz started, but it was best before Steenz.

  3. 4 days ago on Heart of the City


  4. 9 days ago on Big Nate

    oy calm down

  5. 10 days ago on Heart of the City

    and HOW is this funny??

  6. 10 days ago on Heart of the City

    How has the art gotten progressively worse?

  7. 10 days ago on Peanuts

    my 10,000th time

  8. 10 days ago on Peanuts


  9. 11 days ago on Big Nate

    I know this strip arc is not about Daphne and Nate, but to relieve me of my jumbled feelings, this is how I feel about their relationship.

    I feel like Nate is a hopeless romantic. Or at least USED to be. Let me explain.Over the years, during of which Nate has been with multiple girls (Angie, Trudy, daisy, etc.)and it seems like he doesn’t really give it time to grow slowly from being fond of each other, then from time and time being together, they start to like each other.

    Nate is easily smitten. Just as long as they notice him, someway or another, he will take that chance to project himself with his feelings, and usually, like most times, they don’t get it at first, then through them finding ways to hang out, they eventually date, then kiss within the first three weeks, but with Daphne, it’s a different story.

    When they met, there was no clear sign of a relationship. Nate was trying to act smart, and Daphne was putting up with him. Then when they had the chance to be together as friends, Nate discovered he had feelings for her. Because later in their relationship (as friends), then Daphne was dropping Nate HINTS. HINTS are the correct way so far that have worked for Nate to get that she likes him TOO. That gives Nate time to prepare to tell Daphne that he likes her too

    I will use the most recent development of their relationship as an example. When Daphne says stuff like “She’s only infatuated with you, she doesn’t really love you… like I do.”1. OMGGGGGGGGGG SO CUUUTEEEEEEE2. That gives Nate time to prepare to tell her he LOVES her.3. He is genuinely NERVOUS because he DOES NOT want to screw up.

    But then when he tells her, something happens that didn’t happen in other relationships.THEY DON’T KISS! And it’s a GOOD thing!Relationships need space to grow and develop into something pure.

    The best relationship in the series. 10/10. Pierce, keep these two together!(oh and this strip 4/10 meh)

  10. 18 days ago on Big Nate

    at first i thought she said “dips**t”