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  1. about 3 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    I’m of the opinion that just about any mammal ( not members of the weasel family), bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, and a number of invertebrates can be cooked in a manner that is edible. Cajuns usually know how to make them tasty.

  2. about 10 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    What you and FKlimko are indicating is that this is a GLOBAL economy. Trump is trying to put that large genie back in its bottle in the US. This is going to be very painful in the short term and detrimental to the standing of the U S in the world long term.

  3. about 10 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    “Yes they [ foreign cars] are [ made in the US]but, where do the profits go???” ….. to the shareholders. Most automakers have stock shares available for public purchase. I don’t know if now would be a good time to buy any though…….

  4. 1 day ago on Bottom Liners

    With Trump’s freeze on grants, you better be a savant at getting funding.

  5. 1 day ago on Too Much Coffee Man

    And yet the unthinkable happened.

  6. 1 day ago on Too Much Coffee Man

    Keep your flock away from wild birds of any kind. They are vectors for avian flu.

  7. 1 day ago on Bottom Liners

    I said Clinton raised taxes AND made budget cuts that were well thought out. You ignored the latter. That’s the nuance. Also, taxing the rich works and even the rich with a moral center like Warren Buffett agree.

  8. 1 day ago on The Barn

    We used a clamp on male calves. I still cringe a bit when I think about it.

  9. 1 day ago on The Barn

    Hygiene. A sheep’s woolly tail gets really messy and attracts a lot of flies and resultant maggots. If you are handling the sheep for any reason, and you will during shearing, it’s gonna get all over you, too!

  10. 2 days ago on The Barn

    Don’t tell sheashea that the banding was done to scrotums too. We didn’t have a coyote problem back then. The area probably does now.