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  1. 8 minutes ago on Michael Ramirez

    In a “lie contest” in that debate, Trump won hands down, like 50 to 1.

  2. 10 minutes ago on Henry Payne

    I don’t recall “seeing ghosts” as a symptom of dementia, besides, he didn’t see ghosts, just people deliberately off-camera. Memory loss? No. Speech issues? Yeah, lifelong. I don’t think Biden has much time for golf these days, but people with all kinds of infirmities play golf all the time.

  3. 12 minutes ago on Jeff Danziger

    Keep telling yourself that. But watch what you say if Trump gets back in.

  4. 14 minutes ago on Nick Anderson

    Trump is being prosecuted for crimes he very publicly committed. He would do as Putin does, and punish anyone who speaks out against him. Wait til the guardrails are off. I hope you don’t find out the hard way what those people actually have planned for the USA.

  5. 15 minutes ago on Nick Anderson

    There were several blogs keeping score of Trumpish lies ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE DEBATE. Actually very little of what he said was true.

  6. about 1 hour ago on Nick Anderson

    Look at what the Republicans want to do to elections; mainly make it easier to exclude voters you don’t want (Political Action 101). Yes, there will be elections, but Trump as already promised to prosecute anybody who looks like a viable opponent. And after certain groups are excluded from voting and the machine put in place excludes viable candidates, we will look just like Russia, where 1. somebody like Putin can garner 95% of the vote, and 2. Where people don’t actually realize how bad Putin is because if you say so you go to jail.

  7. about 1 hour ago on Gary Varvel

    As I stated earlier, it sounds to me like others are madder about this than is Caitlin herself, who sounded philosophical about it.

  8. about 1 hour ago on Jeff Stahler

    I’m not sure why that’s such a thing with the right (the Anti-publican party?).

  9. about 1 hour ago on Michael Ramirez

    And of course you don’t care about the verifiable stream of lies, almost everything said, from Trump.

  10. about 1 hour ago on Henry Payne

    Biden, at 81 is still walking. He has spinal arthritis, which causes that gait. Wait until you’re 81, see what your body deals YOU.