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  1. about 17 hours ago on Dana Summers

    That’s right. That was one of 9 false or misleading statements Biden made. Is that important to you or the conservatives? Is that really so many gaffs in so little time?

  2. about 17 hours ago on Henry Payne

    I wonder if you mean that or are just trying to be partisan. But it does represent the extent to which Trump played the suckers. There was no need to politicize it, but Trump’s advisers know it would work with his supporters. So, Trump cultivated the paranoia and conspiracy along with the growing distrust of science to delegitimize the whole thing. Meanwhile, Trump gets the vaccine and receives top line health care as recommended by Fauci when he gets sick. In the end. People needlessly suffered or died, and it took longer to get the epidemic under control. And oh, the conspiracies and rationalizations that came out ranged from the silly to the ludicrous.

  3. about 19 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Oh, they have the right to gloat. It was a race to the bottom and Biden won. It really wasn’t as bad as I had expected from either side.

  4. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    You sure you didn’t leave anything out? That was kind of mild for you.

  5. about 19 hours ago on Henry Payne

    Wow, more irony. I think amongst all the cures for sale, there literally was snake oil. This is looking like an obsession for Payne.

  6. about 20 hours ago on Chip Bok

    I just don’t get this. Is that a good thing to visualize Trump beating Biden to death with a golf club? This is a disturbing image, and I don’t see the point to it.

  7. about 20 hours ago on Steve Kelley

    Ok, you didn’t know. Your comments are meant to malign the dems-libs, but you probably aren’t devious enough to make implications.

  8. about 20 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Otherwise, we are all sinners and will be judged. I believe in judgment by God in the afterlife. My comment to you is that you act self-righteous yet deal in angry partisan politics. I am not mocking Christians; I am mocking you. You are more like the evangelicals than a Catholic. You seem to be in conflict with the teachings of our Pope and the edicts of the Catechism. Whether I am Christian or atheist doesn’t matter because it doesn’t change the definition of the words you use or the meanings of the sentences. Saying “your welcome” in advance of any thanks is a smug comment. No doubt you will go on and on. In that event, my next comment to you will be mocking and ironic. Free or Not? Presumptuous and partisan

  9. about 20 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    “Do everyone a favor” To start, you are not everyone. That is being smug. However, you are the one rambling and yet you accuse me. You wrote, “Societies that embrace and celebrate sin and depravity can’t survive”. So, we either have the natural evolution of societies over time or you believe that God “allow us to destroy ourselves or be destroyed by others”. These are your words. Now you say, “But the judgement will come”. Your earlier statements imply it has come in the past and will come to our nation like it has to others. That judgment will either comes here in this temporal reality or in the non-temporal world. You wrote, “we are under judgement from God and will suffer the results of our nation’s rejection of him”. That means it comes in the temporal and affects all, even the children. That is where we started. Getting back to it, crime, hate and violence have existed forever. In many ways, the modern, post-world war era is safer than most of the past. The only thing that has grown is expression of sexuality which the conservative Christians call depravity. Some publicly preach that natural disasters are the result of homosexuality. I had assumed you were aware of the current political situation considering your partisanshipThere is nothing disconnected and rambling in my comments. Your thoughts and comments are in conflict with themselves. You have wondered so far from that because you are rambling and disconnected, and every explanation your offer conflicts with the previous.

  10. 1 day ago on Nick Anderson

    No, there is no authoritarian in any part of my argument. Otherwise, we are talking about suicide by gunshot and obligation to children. You pressed on obligation to children and brought up what-ifs. Then you pressed further into an extreme situation “a psychopathic 8- or 10yo girl who had to be locked in her room at night because she truly wanted to kill her little brother and her parents and had had several goes at doing it”. Yes, somebody who is repeatedly attempting to kill their parents and brother needs to be locked up in a facility. I told you that “if you focus on the most extreme situations then you are going to receive the most extreme answers.” This is why I said you were misunderstanding early in this debate. So, let me make it simple. I am not advocating complete gun control. I was responding to your comment about suicide by gunshot being a preferred method. It is impossible to control suicide by gunshot because there will always be guns available. My entire argument since then was why you shouldn’t use that method and a key part is social obligations especially to children. Again, social, not legal obligations.