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  1. 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    I have both human and fur baby children. Obviously, if one of my human children died, I would be devastated. But many people are not blessed with human children, and for them their pets are more like children than animals. In either case, pets become an important part of FAMILY. And sometimes, a fictional character touches our hearts so much that they become “real.” We shouldn’t belittle or diminish the sense of grief or loss.

  2. 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Yep. I sobbed then, and I’m sobbing now. RIP, sweet Farley. You have touched the hearts of many.

  3. 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    I think this first appeared much earlier than 2018. My daughter was a young girl at the time, and I remember we both cried and cried. Amazing how fictional characters touch your heart and become “real.”

  4. 3 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    I remember MANY years ago reading this for the first time. I cried then, and I’m crying now.