sometimes, you have a mental feeling of what some people are saying. my dog can already understand english. if i call him “funky butt” he will death stare at me.
basic description of the book: man who took a extreme amount of drugs and was sent to an treatment center. dropped a lot of F-bombs on fellow patients, self loathing, thinking of un- alive, eventually getting released and going good.
what do you mean relapse (I don’t really know much about them. The only time I’ve read the word relapse is in the book A Million Little pieces (by James Frey)
a water break in calgary was right next to my house. i am not lying there were two water breaks near my house and i had no water for 2 weeks. yesterday night the water came back on.
sometimes, you have a mental feeling of what some people are saying. my dog can already understand english. if i call him “funky butt” he will death stare at me.