1972 mgb

sbenton7684 Free

I've been reading comic strips since 1957.

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Recent Comments

  1. 25 days ago on Thatababy

    Makes sense…. and make sure to turn up the amp to 11…

  2. 25 days ago on Real Life Adventures

    …and Nyuk nyuk nyuk…

  3. 25 days ago on Frazz

    I’ll be in Florida for the month of March. Still a little chilly at night.. but mostly 70-80 during the day.

  4. 25 days ago on Crankshaft

    The one thing they didn’t teach me about driving a school bus is the extra long rear end that swings wide when you turn. I pitty the fool that was too close to my bus.

  5. 25 days ago on The Buckets

    Naaah… the color’s all wrong…

  6. 25 days ago on Luann

    That’s when I was driving the MGB around. It was a chick magnet.

  7. 25 days ago on Luann

    Not really dates.. mostly just encounters or mutual agreements for sex. On my second wife and that one has lasted nearly 40 years. But the late 60’s and early 70’s was wild. That’s when the pill was invented.

  8. 25 days ago on Thatababy

    The crème of the phlegm is Clem…

  9. 25 days ago on Stone Soup

    I’m still laughing..

  10. 25 days ago on Speed Bump

    I’m glad the rest of all the Esthers are covered up…