I asked this in the Swan Eaters comments too, but…based on some of the comments I had read, it sounded like there may be Swan Eaters strips that didn’t make it to Go Comics. Is that right? If so, is there a place where they can be found?
Question for all the faithful who were reading Swan Eaters back in the pre Go Comics days. I read a blurb from Georgia somewhere that a lot of the original site got “lost” and she didn’t have time that to restore it. Were there a lot of Swan Eaters strips that got lost, or does Go Comics have them all? Thanks!
Yes, that infuriated me the first time I ran into it. I think mine would still allow me to scan to pdf, but with 1 exhausted yellow cartridge, it would not allow me to print in black and white. Grrrrrr. Brilliant way to gouge the customers though.
That made me laugh out loud, as well as Puck pointing to “Who?” on his shirt, Elvis’ quizzical expression in panel 4 Snackie Bowl…this whole strip is a masterpiece.
Oh, ladykat, this is devastating news. My heart hurts for what you and your family are going through. Sending you all deep sympathy and fervent prayers for strength and solace.
March 3, 2019 was another one about kibble dispute. This was one of the first BCN strips I ever read, and it astounded me how well Georgia understands cat behavior, and how endearingly she captures it.
I’m wondering if those little squiggles in front of Tommy are a couple of disgruntled-by-snow small animals. Moles, maybe?