Muffet weeks 20190517 102414 1

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Recent Comments

  1. 9 days ago on Cul de Sac

    I think it says "EE Noymart.

  2. 11 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    You can purchase door bells that are made for dogs. Some are just bells on a rope, and others have a pad that the dog pushes.

  3. 14 days ago on Betty

    Can’t afford them. I’m Baroque.

  4. 16 days ago on Pickles

    When I was a kid, the back door was in the laundry room, with the dryer next to the door. When the inner door was open, cat would jump on the dryer and push down on the screen door handle to unlatch it, then jump down and push it open to get out. She never learned how to get back in.

  5. 16 days ago on The Other Coast

    Education is knowing how to use a library.

  6. 26 days ago on The Buckets

    The Moor the Merrier.

  7. 29 days ago on The Dinette Set

    St John’s Bay is a Penny’s brand.