Family Thanksgiving Dinner: The meal was finished and all the food had been packed up except for the raw veggies. One of the kids went and grabbed a raw carrot and his dad yelled at him: “Don’t eat that, it will spoil your dessert”.
I went with a friend to pick up an air shipment at the freight terminal. The staff was busy trying to find a lost coffin, with occupant. They finally found it had been shipped to Bermuda. Might have been the best vacation trip the deceased ever got.
Petites are for short women, not thin ones. Used to be under 5’2", but I think they’ve raised it to under 5’4". When I was a teenager, they used the odd numbers for petites and even for the regular. Now they just put a P on the size.
You can buy sets of 3 socks that don’t match.