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Snoopy Copter Free

Hi! I am the great lord of comics, SNOOPY COPTER!!!

Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Big Nate

    POLL: What is your favorite TV show? Mine is Gravity Falls

  2. 4 days ago on Big Nate

    The school picture guy can speak mumble? Maybe the talking with food in his mouth helped

  3. 6 days ago on Big Nate

    BIG NATE IN UNDERTALE: PART 3Note: to save time, I will sometimes refer to the group as POW.

    The trio has landed on a large pile of yellow flowers inside another, deeper, larger cave.

    Francis: Ughhh… Where are we?

    ???: Well, well, well… who do we have here?

    Nate, Francis, and Teddy turn around to see who it is. They see a large, yellow flower with a face

    Flowey: Howdy! My name is Flowey. Flowey the flower. Hmmm… you’re new to the Underground, aren’t you? Well, someone simply has to teach you about this place. Golly, I guess it’ll have to be me.

    *Nate: First thing you can teach me. Why are you a flower? With a face

    Flowey: Quiet, you. Anyway…

    Transparent heart shapes pop out of Nate, Francis, and Teddy’s bodies. Francis’ is blue, Teddy’s is orange, and Nate’s is red.

    Francis: GAH! What the heck is that thing?

    Flowey: it is your SOUL. It is the very culmination of your being. It’s weak right now, but if you gain a lot of LV, which stands for LOVE, it gets stronger. I can give you some through little white… “friendliness pellets.”

    10 of the friendliness pellets appear around POW. Nate throws a nearby rock at one, which vaporizes.

    Nate: GAH! What happened?

    Flowey: Okay, you’re on to me, right. No matter.

    Dozens of the white pellets surround POW, trapping them.

    Flowey: DIE.

    Nate: Guys, I’ll miss you.

    Francis: Same.

    Teddy: Welp, this is bad…

    Just before the pellets reach them, Flowey is knocked away by a fireball. The pellets disappear.

    ???: What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth.

  4. 7 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Just do what I did and hire and alien. He had to hang it by a supermassive black hole for 9 hours to get it off.

  5. 7 days ago on Big Nate

    the OBL/Young Sheldon will not come. Deal with it.

  6. 7 days ago on Big Nate


    The Wrights has arrived at the base of Mount Ebott, at the cabins. When they get to their cabin, Nate notices Teddy and Francis chatting in the two cabins next to them.

    Teddy: Wait… NATE?! You came to, dude?!

    Nate: What are you guys doing here?

    Dad: Well, me and our parents coordinated so that we could camp together. Why did you think I brought 10 bags of marshmallows?

    Dad: Anyway, we are all going on a hike in 10 minutes once we get settled.


    Nate: Ooh, a cave! Can me and Teddy and Francis go inside it, Dad?

    Dad: Well, okay…

    Francis/Teddy/Nate: YES!

    They wander around a bit in the cave for a bit. At the back…

    Teddy: Guys, whoa! That’s a huge chunk of quartz! I’m gonna pull it off.

    Teddy pulls It of. Suddenly, the cave rumbles.

    Nate: What the…

    The ground collapses beneath them.


  7. 9 days ago on Big Nate

    I’ll think about these, part 2 coming Monday ish.

    (SPOILER ALERT: Teddy and Francis come)

  8. 9 days ago on Big Nate


    Nate is walking home from school. He walks up the steps to his house and sees Ellen talking to Dad.

    Nate: What are you two talking about?

    Dad: Big news, Nate! We’re going camping on a mountain! We will leave tomorrow!

    Ellen: Thank you, daddy, thank you!

    Nate: Wow!

    Dad: The place we go has a cabin we stay in, a river for fishing and canoeing, hiking trails, everything!

    Nate: What’s the name of the mountain?

    Dad: It’s a place about 1 and a half hours away called Mt. Ebott.


  9. 9 days ago on Big Nate

    I wonder what career Nate will have and what college he will go to if he doesn’t like school and gets bad grades.

  10. 9 days ago on Big Nate

    “I, the undersigned, hereby declare that Nate Wright does not have to attend school anymore. Furthermore, I hereby declare that I will fire Mrs. Clara Godfrey ahead of the 2024-2025 school year of PS. 38. -—————-