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  1. 3 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Eliminating the EC would require a constitutional amendment, an almost impossible task. A solution is available but would also be difficult.

    The individual state’s legislatures would need to do away with the ‘winner take all’ selection of the state’s electors. This would help, but not eliminate, the under representation of the more populus states in the EC since the EC consists of an elector for each state’s House of Representatives districts and one each for the Senators. But the total number of representatives was capped at 435 in the 1920s. This means districts in CA, TX, FL, NY, and other populus states have far more people in less populus states like ND, SD, MT, and WY.

    So, if the number of seats in the House were increased and the ‘winner take all’ was done away with it would help even out the imbalance. Voters in Orange County, CA and Austin, TX could actually make a difference.

  2. 6 months ago on Gary Markstein

    Vote: Biden/Harris or Trump/2025 project.

  3. 6 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    As mentioned with Clay’s toon, if you’re worried about what could be the future, read Heritage’s 2025 report. Unfortunately, it’s real,

  4. 6 months ago on Clay Jones

    I would suggest everyone read Heritage Foundation’s 2025 project document.