Beautymirror 1722199750911

alphrita Free

I am an award-winning artist and vocalist, and I am a daughter of Norma Jean Mortenson raised by Snoopy from Peanuts fame. UWF Associates of Arts degree. I am A+ blood type and an INFP personality profile. I dropped 160 pounds and went from a size 24W to a size 8 (still transforming). Power to the Beautiful at ❤️. Geeks will rule the Earth. Be careful of stereotypes. Everything is real and Nothing is real. Everything is and Everything is not. PERCEPTION can fool even the most evolved individuals just as it can fool a so-called amoeba.

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 months ago on Peanuts

    I feel like Chuck. I am not the WATCH DOG either, but I’m sounding the ALARM as well!

  2. about 2 months ago on Garfield

    I love you Garfield.