Castle in the sky background character

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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Baby Blues

    Yeah, that’s a nice picture. I like yours too! Is it Legolas?

  2. 2 days ago on Baby Blues

    My older brother managed to separate the head from the body of every Barbie I owned at one point or another.

  3. 5 days ago on Baby Blues


  4. 6 days ago on Big Nate

    Mr. Galvin and the Bee, a harrowing tale:

    Hear ye, hear ye, of Mr. Galvin’s plight, A woeful tale of pain and stinging spite. A bee, with stinger sharp as any glaive, Did strike his nose, and him to pain enslave.

    Verily, the pain didst pierce his skin so fair, And with a cry, he did grasp his nose with care. A red and swelling mark didst soon appear, A token of the bee’s most brutal spear.

    Fie upon fell Bee, with his striped coat so bright, That did assail the nose of Mr. Galvin in the light! Mayhap ’twas a warning, or a jest most unkind, To strike the nose, where senses are most aligned.

    Thus let this be a lesson, to all who do stray, Beware the Bee, with his stinger’s deadly sway. For though he may seem small, his power is great, And Mr. Galvin’s nose doth bear the weight.

  5. 6 days ago on Big Nate

    Hence “Airbus” aircrafts.

  6. 6 days ago on Our Super Adventure

    Shamelessly revolting.

  7. 6 days ago on Heart of the City

    “I’ll Make a Man Outta You” (Although not from my favorite Disney movie)

  8. 7 days ago on Baby Blues

    It’s one of the most revolting things I’ve attempted to eat.

  9. 7 days ago on Baby Blues

    It would be unbelievable if she put pickled okra into the mix.

  10. 8 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    The Rugrats is actually older than me. I’m just a young whippersnapper who is very particular. :D