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- 2 months ago on Amanda the Great
2 months ago
on Amanda the Great
I want to know what Whirl-a-Whip is like, now. Maybe I’ll have to travel to North Dakota.
2 months ago
on Amanda the Great
This is the first time I’ve heard what grape nuts taste like. Seedless grapes weren’t a thing when I was little, so I’ve bitten into my share of grape seeds. They have a nutty crunch, but they taste horrendous! Sort-of like brussels sprouts but… it’s hard to realise the taste of brussels sprouts actually has some good in it until you compare them to grape seeds. After that, I cannot imagine why anyone would name a food “grape nuts”!
I can’t complain though. I’m British, I grew up with “toad” as an insult, toads in literature invariably described as ’orribly slimy, and then one day, I was introduced to a fine dish called “toad in the hole”! I chose something else from the cafeteria that day. ;)
2 months ago
on Amanda the Great
I follow this space guy on Youtube, a 50-something chap with a salt-and-pepper beard. He and a friend were driving half-way across Europe when something very exciting happened in the space world: catching a giant rocket as it came into land, using a tower with big robot arms. Of course, these two guys had to see it live, and cars have TVs these days. They pulled into a big parking lot somewhere in, I don’t know, Nöwhëre, Austria, to watch. Nobody really expected to see this rocket-catching happen on the first try, so when it did, there were these 2 guys sitting in the front seats of their car, looking at the middle of the dashboard and cheering like mad! :D I would have cheered the same. :)
6 months ago
on Amanda the Great
Stephen Hawking ready for the junkyard? I think he’d get his wheelchair stuck in the junkyard entrance so he wouldn’t have to go in so soon. ;) I’ve heard he races around in that thing!
6 months ago
on Amanda the Great
I’d read those. Or rather, I would if I read anything any more.
6 months ago
on Amanda the Great
Way back when VCRs were still pretty new, we were friends with the only family to have one in our area. Do you remember top-loading VCRs? It was one of those. Once, it was left open for juuust a moment while the tape was put away. The cat barfed straight down the hatch! This must have been 40 years ago, it wasn’t even my VCR, and I’ve still never forgotten it!
6 months ago
on Amanda the Great
I’ve seen documentation and tutorials like this too, far too many of them. Earlier in my life, there was all the old folk who would set out to teach me stuff, then blame me when I couldn’t understand their nonsense words!
6 months ago
on Amanda the Great
Caffiene suppresses the limbic system. Or as they used to say in Britain, “Tea keeps things civilised.”
6 months ago
on Amanda the Great
I miss my wolf shirt. It was pretty-much falling apart in the end.
My anger wants to heal the world. I’m not sure it’d do it right.