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  1. about 2 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    Marty Moon in drag??

  2. about 3 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    Donald Trump is for Donald Trump, and no one else.

  3. 3 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Nice pickup on that!

  4. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    A type of oak called “Live oaks” (found in U.S. south) also drop leaves in spring. We had ’em in NC on the coast where I used to live. I just assumed Milford was up north ’cause of the snow.

  5. 10 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Missed a perfect opportunity to have a guest appearance by Rex Morgan, M.D. Also, Judge Parker could give advice to “beat” any assault charges. Lastly, why does the tree in P1 have leaves? Thought it was winter.

  6. 15 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Apparently, they are eating ice cream outside on a winter day. Note snow pile on the other picnic table, and (I guess) their breath condensing. Brilliant setting for a father-daughter get together. BTW, nice hair, “Ma~”. (bad pun, sorry)

  7. 17 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Can a comic strip suffer from ADHD? After reading “Gil Thorp” (GT) faithfully for decades, I can only say “Yeet” to that. And a careful analysis of what we will gently call “artwork” leads me to believe that GT may be best portrayed as 3 panels of solid white, simulating a blizzard or white-out condition, utilizing ONLY speech or thought bubbles to convey, in the loosest sense, a story-line. Now, back to the FAR SIDE.

  8. 24 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Dang! Great point. I ALWAYS overlook the cricket team as well. I must atone for my sin. I’ll have to eat at the Bucket for a week.

  9. 25 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Who says (or even thinks) “I am the litmus test”?? Yoda, possibly? YEET!

  10. 27 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Yup, illegal uniform numbers again. Absurd.