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JarvisWhitesNeedles Free

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  1. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    The players in P3 definitely have a Jami/Dork/how stupid he’ll look once he gets pubes expression about them.

  2. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Our local county is facing a push back from the townies about spending money to replace rusty pipes and remove asbestos from the jail.

    Yet Milford has a juvenile center with facilities that make the IMG Academy blush.

  3. 3 days ago on Gil Thorp

    I hope it is Taco MacArthur.

  4. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Second prize is 20 minutes with Keri

    First prize is five minutes with Keri

    (Rim shot)

  5. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Marty Moon

    And Peaches is my mommy

  6. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Keep in mind….the writer and artist think high school games are 60 minutes.

  7. 6 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Is this Canadian high school football? 11 players about to sack the quarterback yet the ball is intercepted downfield.

    I just hope on Day 1 for the next artist that Gil wakes up in the morning, sees Mimi next to him in a sexy nightie and says, “Oh, my gosh! You won’t believe the dream I had!”

    And that Keri is still a virgin and Jami isn’t a dork……well, that Gil and Mimi and together.

    Although a Gil sandwich with Mimi and Beth as the bread would be cool. Hope the new artist is good at drawing boobs.

  8. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    P2: Gil is showing off a pic of Beth’s boobies.

  9. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    I don’t know as much about football as Henry but when you start, isn’t it first and 10 rather than second and one?