And then there is: “Die schärfsten Kritiker der Elche / waren früher selber welche”. The most acerbic critics of the elcs were elcs themselves before. Equivalent to: “if you can, do. if you can’t, criticize.” Just imagine those poor souls groping for a pun or joke for hours, but when nobody finds them funny they come here and gripe. At least here they can apply their real talents. Gives them something to do, a feeling of achievement, exchange with others, perhaps fulfillment. Don’t grudge them their scarce time in our community, as undelightful as it is for you. It is all they have, I suppose.
When you have reached the mountains summit, you will definitely see another one you wish to climb up next. The potential and desire to strife for personal growth is perhaps our most successful talent. Together with the desire to help not only us, but others as a group along. Combined, that might have brought us through the ages.
I wish you were right.