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a hat full of sky Free

Retro-planner: First I lived my life, now I'm thinking about it.

Recent Comments

  1. about 21 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Oh, still around. That’s a surprise. Then it’s probably not a money issue that you get out of this. Must be something about how your self esteem is hardwired into winning every argument. Therefore siden with people that give ample reason for fighting every day. Suits you well, I hope?

    I’m not livid, I’m dejected. The US people as a informed and intelligent democratic group failed the intelligence test needed to survive in the long run. I would admit Biden was definitively too old and too senile, but so is Trump. You had a perfectly young candidate to vote for, but you didn’t. So don’t give me that crap about age as a decisive criteria.

    “So you’re not even capable of accurately stating what you believe in, let alone explaining it.” Well I could, but I won’t. Not to you.

    But to all the others that might stumble into this: my sincerest, most heartfelt condolence to what happened to your country. I hope, you will have the chance to get to the high road again in 3.5 years.

    As for democratic politicians (and I mean it in that sense): Don’t fall into the trap of trying the left extreme to cancel out Trump. He is the master of lies, he is the grandmaster of extreme. For every sincere topic on the left he is ready to pull out 5 phony right sided ones that will pull all the attention aside. Stay on the road, deflate his delusional rants, but don’t mix with him. He’s contageous. Find the people in the streets, listen to their fears and help them along. Find topics that really matter. And help, don’t talk. Then you will win back the votes and perhaps even safe democracy.

  2. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    You did way better here, troll. Only some short remarks and look what haul of comments you got. Cudos.

    Folks, learn from it. Don’t feed the trolls. That’s going directly to their pay checks.

    On an unrelated note: yeah, I’m reading the strip backwards. It doesn’t spoil the comics and it gives me a better view on some of you commenters. That’s highly educational, too.

  3. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Pony, you really talk to much.

  4. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I certainly feel for every US citizen that holds up the rights of the people in a democratic way (not meaning the party, only the mode of election). But I can see that in any conversation with you, I would be the only one. Therefore good by, good troll, carry on.

  5. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Hey lavender, is your headgear by chance formed like a “Z”? Where is your base of operation? Very far to the east? Then your avatar makes some sense, at least. The rest of you doesn’t.

    As for your supposed blind belief of the things that deranged president of US blurts out on a frequent base, if you’re really that dense I feel you must rely very hard on the toothfairy, too. I could not imagine for the life of me anybody being so hard set in his ways, so way over the top. I don’t think a person like this would be able to live. One needs cerebral faculties to move and breathe. And you show no signs of having any. So I think you are one big fraud. Your personal beliefs may be what they want, but the face you are offering here is unrealistic. Bad job.

    If I ever encountered a troll – and a paid troll at that, since nobody would be so dense without an agenda – then that troll is definitively you. But you are doing it wrong. If you look closely into your little book of “how to become a troll”, you will find that they told you to give little stings and let the others vent their frustration. Instead, you write all the time. Now, try again and make it better.

    And as for your Gold Card citizenship: I have to encounter somebody that is willing to work in the US at the moment. Working conditions are worse than hazardous, nobody knows into which department those gang of idiots will stumble next to close it off, research is closing down and all the strong fields of US economics will suffer in the future – either from a lack of scientific input or from the customs fallout. They all leave the country for good. The ones that might want to come could not afford a nickel for your Gold cards.You might rather consider a gold card to be kept from Trump’s interferences, but then again, only the wealthy could afford them, anyway. And those are definitively not touched by the orange evil.

  6. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    My plan is to go on holiday during the event. I’ll come back when the whole thing is finished and the mess cleaned up, though.

  7. 4 days ago on Endtown

    And it appears to be daylight safing time of central Europe. Whatever those black charts/screens on the wall of panel two are. Perhaps the area those rats monitor and secure is bigger than just end town, maybe even multiple locations.

  8. 4 days ago on Endtown

    It looks like two rat’s heads touching noses.

  9. 4 days ago on Frazz

    Strawberry yogurt.

  10. 4 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    It seems it was the 2024 election model, just as well. The world will form circles around the US. The further away, the more important.