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  1. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    On this day in Gil Thorp History: 03/08/74 & 03/09/74

    Trailing Brewster Tech 69 – 68…Lonnie Baylor steals the ball with 20 seconds left…Milford calls time!

    Thorp: We’ve got to get the ball to Jerry…It’s that simple!

    Play resumes…10 seconds…Jerru takes a high pass under the boards!

    But instead of taking the easy shot, he quickly moves out of the key!

    Thorp: WHAT IN BLAZES IS HE DOING?==============Trailing by one point with 8 seconds left in the game…Jerry Pulver receives a pass under the boards!

    Tod: Take the shot! TAKE THE SHOT!Thorp: He’s moving out! What the blazes is he doing?

    Moon: 5 seconds…4…Pulver is moving away from the basket…3 seconds

    Moon: From 25 feet out, Jerry Pulver stops and shoots…

  2. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    On this day in Gil Thorp history: 03/07/1988: Double Shot

    Thorp: Come on Baer…You’re sleep walking! Look alive!

    Tod: He’s freaked because someone stole his bear, Gil!

    LaterGil: Okay…WHoever took Baer’s bear…Return it to him…NOW!

    Player 1: Awwwww…Can’t he pway basketball unless he has his wittle teddy bear?

    Fight breaks outTod: Hey…Break it up…BREAK IT UP!

    Gil: Good grief…he IS really upset.

  3. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    On this day in Gil Thorp history: 03/07/2006

    Milford at North Bend in the playdowns…and some fans have targeted Ted Pearse!

    Heckler: Hey Pearse! Got a dime?

    Moon: And at the end of a sloopy 1st quarter, North Bend leads, 16 – 10!

  4. 3 days ago on Gil Thorp

    On this day in Gil Thorp History: here is a two-fer:


    Mimi: Well…You made it to the quarterfinals, Gil

    Gil: I’m glad we won, Mimi…But I’m not happy about HOW we won!

    Mimi: How can you say that? Bobby Loft was magnificent tonight!

    Gil: Fortunately, he had a very hot hand…Everything he threw up went in!

    Gil: …But he reverted to his old game! It looked to me as if he wanted to cut out Charlie Carton DELIBERTLY!


    Moon: West Falls, 28-2. going with their two all-staters and all-conference starters

    Moon: Juniors Ben Davis & Chico Lopez at guard for the Mudlarks and All-American Jarvis White at forward!

    Moon: But Burnsville & Riggs are on the bench!

    Commentator: Ed Charles, only 5-10, starts at center. Ryan Thompson at forward.

    TRIVIA: Why were Burnsville & Riggs benched?

  5. 4 days ago on Gil Thorp

    On this day in Gil Thorp History: 03/05/1978

    Tod: Are you suggesting that Ernie wasn’t really sick last night?

    Gil: I don’t know…..but he made certainly made a rapid recovery

    Gil: Ernie is only 5’ 4" tall but has a 7’ 2" ego.

    Gil: It’s possible he wanted to remind us how valuable he is to the team

    Tod: Well…if he did…he made his point

    Gil: Yes…and I think he learned an unhappy lesson, too!

  6. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    On this day in Gil Thorp History: 03/04/2001

    Thorp: Danny, you can’t let Moon bother you.

    Danny: But everyone thinks I’m mad about not playing the 2nd half.

    Thorp: He’s just trying to start conflict.

    Danny: Well, it’s working, coach.

    Thorp: Are you mature enough to handle this?

    Danny: Oh yeah (in his mind)

  7. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    I wonder what threats 1 through 85 represent?

  8. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    On this day in Gil Thorp History: 03/01/2001 & 03/02/2001

    Gil: What’s going on, Danny?

    Danny: He’s lying about me!

    Gil: Moon does that all the time.

    Danny: He can’t get away with it!

    Moon: What are you going to do “Nails”?

    Danny: I’ll wipe that smirk off your face!====================

    Moon: I’ve just been threatened by an upset freshman, fans. If Thorp had let Randolph play more, he wouldn’t be so mad!

    Moon: Why would Coach Thorp upset the star? He must not care about the team!

  9. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    In April: I plan to do a character of the month. I decided that character will be Elizabeth “Bitsy” Twill. She was on the strip from 1988 – 1992. She went from a juvi to a great basketball player and her soulmate. I will post 2 strips a day. These were her memorable moments

  10. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Poppa had a heart attack. Nothing serious