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- about 20 hours ago on Gil Thorp
1 day ago
on Gil Thorp
1 day ago
on Gil Thorp
Haley was insulting her friend b/c of the scar on her face. Keri stuck up for her. Haley was kicked off the team. Von Haney bailed out Marty from his gambling debt of 5K.
1 day ago
on Gil Thorp
Wasn’t Keri a gymnast back in 2006? She defended her friend because her teammate bullied her. Also. Marty Moon is on a losing streak with gambling on the golf course.The time is so slow at Milford. It’s like playing 78RPM record at a 16 speed.
2 days ago
on Gil Thorp
On this day in Gil Thorp History: 02/05/1975:
It’s Milford 53 new Thayer 21 at the half
Marty Moon: Jay J. Judd’s Return to action has certainly been overshadowed by Jerry Palmer’s 31-point scoring binge!
Other Announcer: he’s completely dominated the game Marty!
Todd Andrews: I realize you’ve got a hot hand tonight Jerry but there are four other guys on the team with you. Let’s move the ball around.
Jerry Palmer: I’ve got my reasons for trying to set a record tonight, Coach!
Todd Andrews: Well…. I don’t think it’s good sportsmanship to humiliate the New Thayer team… I want you to sit out part of the second-half!
Jerry Palmer: I want to talk to you alone Mr. Andrews
Gil Thorp caught the flu bug. Todd Andrews is the temporary coach.
3 days ago
on Gil Thorp
Thanks, I just choose the strips from 1958 thru 04/17/2021. Anything after that is on this web page
3 days ago
on Gil Thorp
On this day in Gil Thorp History: 02/05/1968
Joel: Your little plot backfired, Monica, because I’m quitting the team right now!GT: I said SIT DOWN!Joel: Okay! But you’re not going to change my mind, coach…………I’ve HAD it!GT: Joel…..I haven’t had much of a chance to get to know you as a personCT: But as of now……I’ve got you pegged as a SPOILED BRAT!
4 days ago
on Gil Thorp
Let’s go way back to the past. Gil Thorp, 01/30/1959
Booster: How do you think the town of Milford will take the dismissal of those boys, Gil.
Gil Thorp: I don’t know, Mike
Booster: How will it affect your chances in the playoffs? Milford is ranked pretty high, you know!
Gil Thorp: I just don’t know Mike……….We’ll just have to wait and see.
Booster: Is there any chance you’ll change your mind & reinstate the boys you caught smoking?
Gil Thorp: NO!!!
6 days ago
on Gil Thorp
On this day in Gil Thorp History, 02/01/1980
Bobby Loft: What’s going on? You can’t force me to come to the gym after school.Gil Thorp: I cleared it with your father and he thought it would be a good ideaGil Thorp: Oh…By the way…I want you to bring your finished homework assignments to me every morningBobby Loft: WHAT???Bobby Loft: Listen coach…I know my rights…Gil Thorp: I’m sure you do, and we’ll discuss them in detail some other time! See you this afternoon, Bobby!
Tough love is normally the answer
6 days ago
on Gil Thorp
This is definitely beyond the episodes of “My So Called Life”
On this day in Gil Thorp History: 02/06/1998
Dave Block (attorney): Dave Block representing Frank Mello, here to get your side of the story Mr. Thorp
Gil: And you come with an open mind?
Dave Block: Hardly! My client has a slam dunk case.
Gil: Then let me tell you what I would tell a jury…………..
LATERDave Block: Mello’s been in trouble for insubordination? He’s been suspended before?
Gil: Compare that record to Mr. Gillen’s file, and a smart lawyer would drop the case.
Roy Gillen was interim varsity basketball coach