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Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Thanks for the reminder. What beautiful crocuses on March’s page.

  2. about 5 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    That’s a fantastic strip!

  3. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Dear Georgia,

    I’ve read Breaking Cat News since it was just the three boys and only available on your website, but I never made a GoComics account until now. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated this week’s strips. On matters besides pork products and potato salad, Puck is the voice of reason. How comforting to have that voice of reason affirming that no, really, the emperor actually IS naked.

    There’s nothing that has to be partisan about healthcare, housing, education, the environment, or anything else on Pucky’s list from Wednesday. We all need medicine when we’re sick, a safe place to sleep, clean air to breathe and water to drink, and the literacy to read cat comics. When these topics become attacked as partisan, the solution is not to stop talking about them. The solution is to reject that they are partisan.

    Your work has brought me a lot of joy and comfort over the years. Thank you so much for all you give us.

    P.S. Best wishes for your relatives whose jobs are being targeted, for their stability and peace of mind. And the same goes for all the commenters in a similar plight.