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  1. over 8 years ago on Spirit of the Staircase

    Dumb and illegible.

  2. over 15 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Anybody notice that the obese dude being cut loose is carrying an AARP backpack, in addition to his Obama Care bag? How about the caption? is is, or not, assisted “suicide”? There is no indication that red shirt fatty wants to die, so might the cartoonist’s point be that fat boy AARP, being “supported” (literally here) by the fit, is authorizing unwittingly the killing of himself and others? Hence the puller supporting his weight and dragging him up the mountain is cutting him loose in a kind of mercy killing to save others from the fate he doesn’t even know he is falling for? (I don’t say I agree that is the case, but I do suggest that that is the cartoonist’s point, and thus that the toon is part of the scare euthenasia/involultary suicides tactics of the status quo right.

  3. over 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Ironic, but a good question nevertheless. My experience at university level, now some 49 years, indicates that the large majority of students of American universities (any of them) want a degree. If they happen to learn something while “earning” it ,OK, but that’s not why go to school. And if they are not going to a particular school to become club members (Harvard, Yale, etc., or if you are a Texan, UT or A&M can make you “clubable” ) they care about cost. People go to ESU, wherever it is, almost always because its cheap(er).

  4. over 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Enter Title IX. If the school takes federal funds (for anything) it must provide equal opportunity regardless of gender. The NCAA would monitor this closely not wanting to run afoul of a federal statute. Ray C, you and the Beloved Leader are both hoping the “equal funding” aspect is not being paid close attention to. Anybody know if that applies to how much the football coach is paid, as opposed to how much is spent on facilities and equipment etc. across the genders? Cheers, gyt

  5. over 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Sigh. Millar’s strip is known as one of the timeliest and event responsive in the industry. He certainly knows about the Fla. legislature. “rank[ed] number two for about a week a couple of seasons ago” is what is important here. You “come out of nowhere” with money. You get the money from students. What do the students get? Debt. gyt

  6. over 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Given that Millar went to UT Austin, and his strip university is E.S.U. (Enormous State University) It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to suggest that UT is a sort of prototype for state university “systems” throughout the country. Tank is a reporter. This is news relevant to NCAA programs throughout.

  7. over 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Y’all might want to consider that Mr. Millar’s subject is sports in a socially conscious way. He is dealing rationally in the irrational world of the “fan.” His unmentioned subject here is tuition/student fees. Most students do not realize that very few institutions of higher education run a profit from their programs, so what they do is get the students to pay for it by allocating a percentage of their “fees” to paying off the debts run up by the athletic department. Those people who complain the loudest about the cost of attending an institution of higher learning seldom note that a significant part of that cost is incurred by the athletic department. Administrators run the programs because they are the major draw for alumni who can be tapped for money, and particularly with a winning team. The irony of the students and their parents to the extent the latter are involved in paying for the education are making this possible. The NCAA runs farm leagues for the pros, and anybody who goes to a college with a football/basketball program pays for it.

  8. over 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Y’all might want to consider that Mr. Millar’s subject is sports in a socially conscious way. He is dealing rationally in the irrational world of the “fan.” His unmentioned subject here is tuition/student fees. Most students do not realize that very few institutions of higher education run a profit from their programs, so what they do is get the students to pay for it by allocating a percentage of their “fees” to paying off the debts run up by the athletic department. Those people who complain the loudest about the cost of attending an institution of higher learning seldom note that a significant part of that cost is incurred by the athletic department. Administrators run the programs because they are the major draw for alumni who can be tapped for money, and particularly with a winning team. The irony of the students and their parents to the extent the latter are involved in paying for the education are making this possible. The NCAA runs farm leagues for the pros, and anybody who goes to a college with a football/basketball program pays for it.