Don quixote 1955

OmqR-IV.0 Free

Usually Tired. Virtue Signaler and Finger wagger. Rides on a High Horse. Oh. And defeat Russia. Slava Ukraini!

Recent Comments

  1. almost 2 years ago on ViewsBusiness

    Lay out the ethics first, folks. Been saying this for years. Without a solid ethical foundation, the next round of automation & robotisation is going to really sting (because it’s coming for white-collared workers? I hear the already buggered blue-collared workers sneering).

  2. almost 2 years ago on ViewsMidEast

    I note his Zimmerframe is Harris. Wasn’t he supposed to be a “transitional” prez over 1 term, not 2? Harris must be overjoyed. Not that I feel she is carrying him during the current one.

  3. almost 2 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    This MF helped bring about Dubya, the 2003 Iraq invasion, the Tea Party nutters, Brexit, trump & his trumpy minions, Jan 6th, and eff knows what else in Australia. He has single-handedly done the most damage to democracy in several countries (USA, UK, Australia), nay, the world, than any other person in the last 30 years.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Views of the World

    Tweet from Maarten Wolterink @mwcartoons

    Title: “Biden 2024 in Artificial Intelligence.”

    “In reality he already died but the Democrats keep him alive with AI. Don’t tell anyone!”

    It’s tongue-in-cheek *shrug

    I guess if ol’ trumpiness gets himself chosen as the Republican nominee (groan) no amount of AI will do any good
no intelligence to build on to form an AI

  5. almost 2 years ago on ViewsAmerica

    Gosh, the Dutch seem a tad ageist.

    Maarten on ViewsEurope yesterday sotto-voice whispered Biden’s an AI.

  6. almost 3 years ago on ViewsBusiness

    I doubt the EU are paying for Russian gas in rubles.

  7. almost 3 years ago on ViewsLatinAmerica

    The cameraman was Press. They were allowed to be there (might be to show they have “Press Freedom” 0_Ă”) I sincerely doubt that Putin’s goons were trying to attract sympathy for their handiwork of suppressing freedom of speech. This type of immediate action is meant for local consumption, to instil fear in the Russian people. If you suspect the woman & cameraman were staging it then it was aimed rather at terrorising the Russian people.

  8. almost 3 years ago on ViewsLatinAmerica

    This video below not only includes the Two Word incident but also the other state TV incident where an editor strode – with a protest sign – behind a presenter broadcasting live.

  9. almost 3 years ago on ViewsLatinAmerica

    Yep, agreed. He’s lost it already.

    I think someone described ’90s Russia as having too much freedom but also too much chaos; after Putin, less freedom but more stability (despite the 2nd Chechen War, the Georgian War, the Syrian War o_o).

    And now the Ukrainian ‘Special Military Operation’. :-|

    Yeah, he’s effed.

  10. almost 3 years ago on ViewsBusiness

    For instance. as EU’s most reliant country on Russian gas, I believe Germany is in the middle of building a pair of additional coastal LNG import terminals for its regasification.

    But EU Commission President Von der Leyen admitted it would still need another 5 years to wean the EU off Russian gas. :-/

    So the EU is basically funding Ukraine AND Russia in this war. :-|