Well-done putting in an accurate measure of that distance! That’s about 30 light-years, which is a plausible range at which to detect earth-like planetary atmospheres with the planned Habitable Worlds Observatory, tentatively planned for launch in 2045 or so.
I think EV cars should have a built-in noisemaker so you can hear them coning if you’re a biker or pedestrian. I’d love a car that sounds like the flying one from The Jetsons, but would settle for the sound of Fred Flintstone’s feet.
Just don’t make them loud like a Harley. Those things just scream “I am so desperate to make an impact on the world that I’m settling for making a bunch of noise so people notice me.”
A friend of mine who is in the folk music scene says that the joke is that banjo players spend half their time tuning their instrument, and the other half playing out of tune…
There’s a great and well-known Far Side comic that shows a two people helping a disheveledman, and a moist cat. The caption says “Well, I guess both Warren and the cat are okay. … But thank goodness for the Heimlich maneuver!”
It’s also remarkable that Dr. Heimlich, at the age of 96, actually saved a woman at his nursing home by using his own technique!
As a kid, I remember thinking Schulz misspelled “Olson”