No bio available
why? they are a convenient way of writing constants or other ideas.
naw, gotta grade the work too. just cause they get the right answer didn’t mean they did the work right.
Canada Cobra Chicken
cabin air pressure is roughly equiv to 8000ft.
some do. same reason they banned plastic/metal lunch boxes: potential weapon/way to smuggle stuff into the school
It was also not explicitly against the rules at the time he did it. It was made into a rule AFTER he did though, so no one could try it again.
fines. some places will fine you if you don’t shovel the snow off the sidewalk in front of your house.
it was real when this strip is set in. not so much today in REGULAR industry. Hollywood isn’t regular.
Naw, he’s got a loincloth of holding
A fathom is 6 feet. 30 fathoms is 180 feet.
why? they are a convenient way of writing constants or other ideas.