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  1. over 13 years ago on Luann

    ‘If Toni turns her back on her career so that Brad can have her job, after he asked her to throw herself under the bus to placate Ann, that’s it for me. It’ll be a total betrayal of what the characters have been evolving onto for the past years."Great point!Not that Toni’s sacrificing her job — never make a threat you’re not ready to back up — because that MAY rehire Brad — makes sense ever, but Brad and Toni are not married, they’re not even engaged. They’re one snit away from a break-up, and then Toni would have given her job up for her EX boyfriend.If Toni threatens the captain, the captain will be LESS eager to hire Brad back — it will look like he gave in to a threat.

  2. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Toni should NOT quit to make an opening for Brad!!!!

  3. over 13 years ago on Luann

    LDover: thanks! Brad was “playing fireman” way back in 1993!http://www.gocomics.com/luann/1993/09/21

  4. over 13 years ago on Luann

    > How about, she talked to her Capt’n and made an OFFER to go HALF SHIFT, so he could “call Brad back to work” her OTHER half shift!THAT gives them BOTH ONE full paycheck;Brad “regains” his masculinity: <

    I don’t buy that. Having his girlfriend give up half her job so he can get half a paycheck doesn’t regain Brad his maculinity, it would make him a laughingstock.

    They’d each have HALF a job.

    And benefits? Would they get benefits with half a job? The department wouldn’t want to provide two benefit/health packages for one FTE.

  5. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Brad should stay away. He’s acting stupid.

  6. over 13 years ago on Luann

    When I grew up in Texas I remember the elementary textbooks talking about the robins flying away in the fall. NO, the robins ARRIVE in the fall!

  7. over 13 years ago on Luann

    “I’m not ready to talk to you, Toni,” is not “acting like a jerk.”Toni should have given Brad a chance to work things out at his work. Toni could decide whether she wants to stay with Brad instead of running to interfere with Brad’s work.

  8. over 13 years ago on Luann

    > A laid off firefighter would get unemployment, not go to work at a fast food joint.

    No, unemployment, last I heard, requires you look for and be available for other work.Ann had the right to ban Toni from WW, unless it was part of her plan to seduce Brad. Unfortunately, if Brad then quit just because Toni was banned, there goes unemployment.

  9. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Ann had the right to exclude Toni from Weenie World.As for firing Brad, Ann had the right if she fired him because his being there brought Toni around to threaten Ann. Ann could not fire Brad because he spurned her advances.As for Toni, she shouldn’t have directly interfered at Brad’s workplace.And TJ — what did he intend to accomplish? He should have known sending Toni in to confront Ann wouldn’t be good — is he hoping that Brad and Toni break up, and he gets Toni?

  10. over 13 years ago on Luann

    So now Toni is NOT banned from Brad’s work? She can stay as long as she orders something?If Brad gets caught running an errand on company time, Ann will deny she told him to do so.Meanwhile, though Toni is showing dedication to Brad, Toni should NOT be interfering in his work.And why would TJ push Toni to do so — is TJ trying to cause a blow-up between Toni and Brad?