My husband and I worked this out years ago: 2 AC systems in the house, bedroom suite kept how I like it, rest of the house at his level. And a dual control electric blanket on the bed so we’re both comfy sleeping. 45 years and counting…
I’m almost totally paperless now, in work and in private life, but I had a method for dealing with a recalcitrant printer when I was in the office: Stand over it with a mug of water, tell it firmly that it had one reboot attempt to get itself together or there was going to be a new occupant in its place. It worked so well that I was frequently called over by others to threaten equipment into submission because IT took too long to appear.
My husband was in college when we started dating, I was quickly enlisted as his keypunch input operator for school projects. I can still remember the wails of anguish from stressed-out students who dropped their punchcard decks on the way to run their programs in the lab. Tragic!
The current appropriateness of this 20+ yr old comic is so sad.