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Steve_The_Beard Free

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  1. 3 days ago on B.C.

    I sometimes use words that I don’t really understand, in an attempt to seem more photosynthesis. ;-)

  2. 4 days ago on Andy Capp

    Yep, it’s a Pilsener and quite drinkable. “Efes Beverage Group, a subsidiary of Anadolu Group, is the largest producer of beer in Turkey, with approximately 80% of the market. Their main product line is called Efes Pilsen (5.0% ABV), after the Turkish name for the ancient city of Ephesus near the İzmir brewery.”

  3. 7 days ago on Doonesbury

    You might find a few trans-women there… :-D

  4. 7 days ago on Cul de Sac

    Hah! When I was a child, my little sister learned the violin. Then my first-born daughter decided to copy her auntie. Now my wife is learning the piano…

  5. 15 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Which beer? There are thousands of different beers, and they all taste different. Do you think all coffees taste the same?

  6. 19 days ago on Andy Capp

    A steeplejack is a person who climbs tall structures such as chimneys and steeples in order to carry out repairs.A steeplechase is a horse race run on a racecourse having ditches and hedges as jumps.It dates from when rich aristos would be out for a ride in the countryside and would see the steeple of a church in the distance, and one of them would offer a wager that they would be the first one to get there.

  7. 23 days ago on Cul de Sac

    That puddle has a thin layer of petrol on it!

  8. 25 days ago on Fred Basset

    Puppy? Puppy? Fred has been appearing continuously in the Daily Mail since 8 July 1963. He’s not a puppy! ;-)

  9. 26 days ago on Fred Basset

    Nope, the dog’s English is better than yours! According to the ODE, “namesake” merely means “a person or thing that has the same name as another”.

  10. 29 days ago on Wizard of Id

    And yet they don’t use them on the Cresta Run.