Um, actually, isn’t cabernet sauvignon a red wine? Why does it look greenish like a white in the bottle? And I guess Josh brand is premier 7-Eleven too. LOL
I didn’t see this one last week, Carol, but saw the Black widow. I’ve been wondering how you and Buddy are doing. Glad you didn’t have to leave. PLEASE be prepared for the inevitable next time! Stay safe!
I LOVE Madame Anya (nee Angela Flowers — perfect!), especially the green hair. Love the paisley touches in panels 3 & 5, the fainting couch/settee/whatever, the hippie parents — well, golly, just everything about this character!! HOWEVER (sorry), panel 5 should read EITHER: none of her predictions had ever COME true OR: none of her predictions ever came true. Sorry! Sometimes I’m grammar-anal, Carol. It’s an affliction.
Um, actually, isn’t cabernet sauvignon a red wine? Why does it look greenish like a white in the bottle? And I guess Josh brand is premier 7-Eleven too. LOL