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I had two pairs of Skechers sneakers. I think I mixed them up once. They were identically shaped so nothing felt funny.
Look how happy Max is to see Wally and how he is waving goodbye to Leon. Max knows who loves him.
Our kitchen chores:
I had two sisters. We also had to get the garbage down to the curb once a week. They weren’t unreasonable chores and failure wasn’t an option.
That wouldn’t have flown at my house as a teen. The dishes got done and garbage got emptied. We didn’t have a choice.
I love cream cheese, but I don’t think I could eat a whole pkg.
One of my sisters can be a buzzkill too.
Haha! Our last dog liked to be a garbage dumper too. Such a mess.
I had two pairs of Skechers sneakers. I think I mixed them up once. They were identically shaped so nothing felt funny.