Your "great state of Texas, if it is so great should not need anything from me, and I will certainly refrain from buying anything from you and CERTAINLY won’t pay your welfare bills. (and, pray tell, if your state is so great, why do you need us to contribute to your needs? We are paying our own bills thank you and not crying to other states to pay for us)
I assume that you “learned” that from the great liar, since he is pathologically incapable of telling the truth. We’re doing fine, thank you. But I do remember my husband’s comment about how to get to Texas from Our home. “Go east until you smell it, and go west until you STEP in it!”
So you don’t want to earn any money, but you still want us to pay your welfare bills. Seems that the Blue states have the money to "buy *your*oil and gas, But since you don’t want to sell you have no income? You’re a real hoot!
I have room